A Real Grown Man’s Views On Modern & Future Society: Kenny’s Series of Positive Vibes Manifesto Volume I (On Feminism & Womanism)

Kendrick Von Ledet
29 min readMar 22, 2021


These writings are a heartfelt compilation, in which is included both smooth and crude assays on the positive effects and applications of *True* Feminism and Womanism movements, along with prophetic and educated guesses on what will be resulting thereof.

I believe we all derive our Spirit from a High-most feminine entity. This is what all the old truly ancient shamans, scribes, priests and acolytes learned of, and were usually tasked to spread this knowledge among the people in order for positive and educated growth.

This feminine power is indeed much like the highly mentioned and all-famous Holy Spirit which encompasses all the Love that one can possibly imagine!

She is the One who gives us Real Men new Souls to care for, tend to and grow. They tend to seek us out, and so we nourish them naturally.

This principle responsibility is, and should always remain, the main goal of each and every self-proclaimed Real Man; otherwise, they are truly not there just yet and are instead on an incorrect path for Enlightenment and Happiness.

The good thing is, we can fix that and together grow and better our world as a result of the effort. The combined effort itself will be euphorically empowering and we will all embody an imprint of this revolution on our Self and Spirit.

So who am I? I am a talented software engineer born in Fort Worth, Texas and raised heavily in DFW who is currently undergoing a metamorphosis of sorts. I feel as though a cocoon has come off from encasing me inside of it, and as a Man I no longer have a reason to hide in or restrict myself to any cage. I’m banging more rebel style country music recently. Specialize in knowing how to socialize with and talk to people and find new people to mentor and grow. I believe I and anyone else can and will strengthen All People. I just got out the hospital, and of course every time we go there we are always reminded of the brevity of each given life. Let us band together, as only together we can and must do this.

When I get my guitar out of storage, I’ll play some epic music for y’all too. When I fix my iPad, I’ll make some adventurous electronic music that you’ll probably love working out and gaming to.

As far as coding, I teach how to do it over on Codementor [https://www.codementor.io/@kendrickledet]

I also have a Github profile. Github is where I encourage all to sign up and contribute their code. A lot of popular projects you may end up using are hosted there and if you get the chance to help work on these existing projects. Also, mostly all modernized tech companies are using some form of open source software in their stack. Right on Github, I started a pretty popular repository for aspiring engineers to share, discuss and compare their implementations of algorithms [https://github.com/kennyledet/Algorithm-Implementations]

I was just last year learning, practicing and applying Game Development engineering using this cool open source engine called Godot, which is actually quite nice for something available for free use. However I am about to pivot and am about to pick it up in Unity [https://unity.com], mostly due to their broadened cross-platform reach and support of Augmented Reality, along with the Unity Asset Store looking stellar and ripe for the picking. Also a great way to practice my C#, a language I should be comfortable with in case I run into a Microsoft .NET project to handle.

By the way, that framework still has a lot of jobs and gigs going for it. Java is also still here and widely used, especially so enterprise. By the day, though, younger programmers are blossoming and picking up interpreted languages that are much quicker to code in such as Python. JavaScript is also highly recommended for young coders to learn as Web 4.0 is just around the corner. Web Assembly [https://webassembly.org] has been released into the wild and I already have very unique ideas to develop and freely release utilizing it.

I strongly urge to get all my great high priority ideas churned out, well used and widely known during this seemingly infinite journey as the web develops right there along with the kids who will soon be in charge of designing and programming it. I dream of leaving behind generational wealth for every Zoomer in hopes that they have means to house themselves and end the homelessness crises. We need to spread Love, Acceptance, Tolerance and new financial ideologies such as cryptocurrency which can be more secure than most banks as far as holding and truly owning a form of value.

New types of funds and funding are created on a yearly basis in all the societies we inhabit. Unfortunately, in poorly developed countries this used to have to happen much more slowly due to War and Famine. Now, things have changed and we have collectively upgraded ourselves, our lives and the planet we inhabit it in; by extension, both the Whole Wide World and the World Wide Web.

I am about to delve into a hugely important game project that I strongly believe will rock and bolster the religious videogame space. I am developing it as asked by my Aunt Deborah in the name of my Great Grandmother who recently passed away though I know she is in a Higher place. My Father is telling me that he’ll help fund it soon. Once I get the base engine, applied graphics, the character properties and advancement system, and the storyline trajectories aligned with both the business logic programmed and the source material agreed upon by most people…

…I will put together a nice demo, and it will offer playability from either Eve or Adam’s point of view. offer it free with online multiplayer capability and launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise $250k for investing into the games’ development. Relatively low Unity 3D Game Engine subscription costs will be most of the deployment cost overhead.

No longer will I stand to see young children in cages as victim to attacks in Africa, hunted after as though they were even meant to be preyed upon. No, nay, nej, this is not what the Daughters of the Supreme Mother are here for.

In the process of opening things back up here in Texas, I am preparing to speak out against many types of unrest I have seen plague my people, among my people. I shall join in on Downtown marches and pass out signs and snacks to my brethren, as I stay silent no longer.

Combined with Patriotism and Acceptance, in a way that ultimately will also favor and aid in movements of Modern and Futuristic Globalist Ideologies, we shall evolve and advance ourselves along with the worlds that we create in order to suit all of us in a Positive Light. Everyone deserves the chance to be be Refreshed and At Peace.

For many, rebirth of thought and/or Self will be a necessity.

The two are absolute necessities to all of our modern and future societies, that I have found to be inexorably always required for giving aid to efforts against domestic abuse (usually done by those so-called “men” who were really beta males needing to advance)

I’ve proclaimed myself a Feminazi. You might ask, how the heck do you explain that, and what does Feminazism so entail Kendrick? Well……….with the title having the word “nazi” in it, you might be immediately shocked or taken aback to hear that I’ve declared myself as one…at least, until I do explain it to you further. So, please, read on! Also, P.S., please do note that I love my Jewish people. Through Abraham, we are all Natufian. The European Western Hunter-Growers group of people (who turned out English and other types of Germanic) also descend from this same entity.

Even further though still, we have recently found that we are united through a strong primate woman we fortunately recovered named “Lucy”! This is one of our Collective Mothers, and she even has a movie out with Scarlett Johansson dedicated to her name eponymously. She is to me and should be dear to all of us. Her Wikipedia page (which at first appears dedicated merely to a group of primates; nay, there is also a singular Lucy who lived life as a womanly primate. Angrily I read on as I read that her specimen was purportedly aged at about 12 years old. So Lucy had children early, and is our Mother! Even worse still, her death was marked due to predators/scavengers. This is why all Real Men need to take a stand and exponentially increase our protection potential to All Women.

Back on that term, “Feminazism”. I actually initially found the term being used a lot, jokingly, on highly visited social spots on the internet such as Twitter, Reddit and 4chan. Apparently, I have since felt the need to alert many people such as close family, circles of friends and neighbors I meet and talk to that I am indeed priding myself on always being a True Real Man, and a well-read, outspoken and well-studied Man who is feminist/womanist and also a “feminazi” (which I keep using to describe being both feminist and womanist, and so radically that the style of the term makes sense)!

Again, I did not want to invoke any feelings of racism, as I am also heavily against that. Know that it is not to mean racism towards woman as well also. I “sieg heil”, or “hail success” to all women and feminine entities including everyone from birds to insects to plants that flower to the women I gracefully meet with to talk business and advancement of the people with. I practice saying positively vibed mantras for All People ……in daily prayer and meditation.

In fact, in order to ease the pain of our beloved Jewish brethren, let’s all start rebranding all terms containing “nazi” and focus instead 100% on becoming a True “Feminazi”. I once met this cool guy in the hospital where I was born, JPS, who sung his heart out his own written song. I instantly deemed the hook excellent: “I don’t play no games….about mine….I know we wanna see dolla signs….All the timeee…..Said I don’t play no games……” He said was a skinhead and a “N.G.A”, an old Kemetic word for King or Ruler that literally sounds a bit like saying, “nectar”. The word has been bended and perverted in modern slang to sound polyphonically evil, and sometimes as a term of bereavement of value toward those who it is applied against. This is where a lot of fights over race should end.

Though all that was truly necessary was for me to explain how through Lucy we are all connected, and are all in containment of genes from her based “Australopithecus” footprint and genetic imprint, I should also explain that, and especially so in this great melting pot I invite free souls to at least visit…..America…As we are growing more well-accepting, our Mexican neighbors have reunited with their families….and I am still living in Mexico. Since Texas has always been a part of Mexico and was merely obfuscated during the Purchase, and two large-scale wars that caused much blood to spill on its sands.

Also, as this entire world’s population, we are soon to be even greater of a hospitality-encouraging peoples, as we are meant to grow closer together every day to infinity and beyond, I truly know and believe in the heart and soul, down to the core of my spirit and outward in Truth and Light. I know the ways, and I shall lead many to thenceforth lead their brethren, kin and children in better ways; ultimately, True Utopia for All is the Goal.

We may now even apply the olden used non-turnt swastika. In fact, the term “even” is the word in play here. The original swastika was unturnt and straightened. To bend it means to invoke chaos.

I say we chill with the chaos, and practice infinite mindfulness so that we may breathe better in Higher Realms, and bring the positivity from Higher Realms to Our Universe; even better still, we will be able to watch our children one day inexorably outshine and outdo us, ultimately and forever devoid of replicating our past errors and troubles. Also, they’ll be creating some pretty awesome technology.

In fact, I predict every Whippersnapper investing in crypto right now is gonna be driving Lambos against yal’s asses. Game, set, match. Now we have Kamala in Office as VP! And what a great induction Ceremony it was, especially with the younger ebony woman’s speech.

Meditating on a sun cross and wishing for positive peace amongst all will show a golden bright beam of light, and you will thenceforth know that it is a must to come soon for this Universe. As it nears, I must share much more than a few words. Indeed, I have much to teach to my brethren.

I believe I proclaimed myself as one the very moment I first saw the word “feminazi” used, in albeit a joking way, online (that original poster must have been perturbed by us actually, as I remember the post was indeed meant to be a jab at feminists).

I thought, well, I agree with the side opposite of you, my friend, so you can call me one as well.

I have officially joined their ranks as a Man.

Here is my definition. Also, I do believe the women I converse with on these matters would agree. I will post feedback in a followup article (should be intensely interesting to hear from the women and men I know, as well as new friends on the internets who find this article).

Feminazism — The radical promotion and strengthening of women and their efficacy in things such as career and job roles, self-love, body positivity and general knowledge/application of social advancement specifically geared towards women in our society. A step above base-level Feminism and/or Womanism. — As defined by Kendrick Von Ledet

This is how I’d describe it based off what I’ve seen done, have done and plan to do in order to support the now-much fortified and continuously strengthening (gladly) movement of women upward and onward in their multiple trajectories in society. These trajectories could be at the workplace, at the home, or the life a woman leads in public. Being the ones able to bear children is merely where it starts.

A lot of these other dudes gotta grow up, wake up, and take a chill pill instead of terrorizing our women outside. I am a straight male, but that matters not in choosing friends for me: as in my friends circles I know many lesbian women who also speak up on these things! It’s more in the spirit and the usage of one’s soul.

Are you for pure love, or are you for shadowed darkness? Answer this for yourself and you’ll get hopefully what other people should receive as well, love and purity!

General God-Given rights are given to both sexes of people. (or, nowadays, one may say all, since I believe we have like 34 now hehe.) By transitive extension, this means that any and all natural expression that comes from a woman is completely on its grounds as highly considerable to me, and thenceforth a pliable thing to give time and appreciation to in our collective society...Ahh, yes, women. I love women. Thus, these Volumes are all for them and their advancement!

In fact and indeed, in my Truth, women do still have the primary right to be here in this Universe, and in this Reality.. And since we ourselves manifest our vessels for our respective Souls through women naturally bearing us and instinctively raising us, I do declare they will always collectively hold this right before any mere Man. Let’s prove this Theory.

The best person to alter a woman’s thought is always the woman herself. Remember this well. Do not attempt to fully control a woman. A woman generally does not want to even perceive someone they don’t associate with anymore after trying to be controlling of them, all the while during the old relationship existing and have consisted of atrocities such as calling her incorrect names and being unappreciative of her value and of her beauty.

Some weak “males” may value a woman’s “intrinsic value”, and still not truly admire her for her womanly beauty, thus proving his betadom.

On the other hand, some beta males may also admire a woman just for her looks on the outside, and are just stupidly into the relationship. These types of douches are prone to telling a woman they’re in a relationship off due to a body change…Here is a poem I shall write in the moment to help you understand how it, Love, really should be done, as far as courting a woman with whom a sacred bond is always to be formed in name of True Love:

A Real Man like Me does not act unappreciative of my Woman at any time, because I am Hers.. and She is Mine.

During which time, we shall Please Each Other Many Times….

And not just one, as for the word Team there is no I in. Sheesh, I should definitely know what beauty I’m beholding of. How could our Spirit ever split? Just to return again through the Fire of Infinity…

Well, then that should soon be true for all the world’s Soul Mates…especially when Love is free energy. Yet, Love is the most valuable. And powers the greatest synergies.

In the poem above, I have set out my Base Simple Truths for all of you going on to read the rest of this! It however and unfortunately, may be hidden for some: many elder (yet at the same time, extremely childish) men have apparently been terrorizing younger women and women in general in my community, and I will not stand for it. Nay, and I shall instead stand heavily against these atrocities. And they shall grow up stronger and stronger with new like-minded Men that take my advice every day. The Zoomer Generation in particular shall be stopped.

Seeing young genius women doing interviews on blogs after starting billion dollar businesses and making it far on TikTok has got me wondering what all types of advances in social world and technology we’ll get to see. I predict we’ll see a literal utopia within 27 years if the people can all listen up and change for the better! And, we are…ALL, the people!

So get me wrong not, as I am definitely not saying that these types of people are the utmost scourge of the Earth. I believe they can change and grow into better men. In fact, there are things that are inhuman and inhumane issues going on that I would rather team up on solving with a changed-up version of them than no version of them in existence at all.

Let’s keep competition among us real Men to sports/games and general things in the modern thought-out societal space such as, say, work or fashion. Rap battles. Design-offs and Scrabble. Billiards, definitely still on.

You wanna know why? I heavily suggest working out differences and enjoying contests in things other than competing for women once she is in a relationship or trying to leave one, as that has never turned out good for all parties!

Although, if a woman is about to leave her boyfriend or husband, and she comes onto me, I am indeed going to follow suit and enter an obliged relationship with her. I would not turn her down, as the previous man before me was obviously too weak to hold onto her and treat her as well as I will. A boost of dopamine rushing to my brain and intense pleasure with Her usually comes when I win this challenge. I suppose many other fellow Alpha Males are kinda like me in this.

But yet, still, I’ve been seeing dudes who really don’t deserve not only the woman they’ve somehow gotten with, but to be with any woman at the time at all. The way they act can be de-programmed. I’m devising this social mechanism myself, and once applied, a Golden Age will pursue for all Women and Men. But it will take a lot of hard work on our parts!

I suggest, in addition to those classes I’ve seen suggested for the culprits, courses set up and made readily available to point any male towards should they need it.

Why would one of those dudes need to undergo this extra and extra-specific training...you might ask…Well, it’s really simple.

It matters not whether it was at home, in the neighborhood, at the store, in college, in high school or at work. Anyone who gets caught doing any form of Domestic Abuse should be known for it, and that data made public.

More people need to speak up and not be scared to speak up. Before this revolution to come, women were rudely shushed and left out of most of the Old Government dealings. Well, we all know that abuse is clear and defined. That is why I know we can change together in this effort.

But, we must continue to spread Love and Truth once we truly break new moulds and cast our dreams upon them.

The Age of Aquarius is here, and I actually want Everyone to really enjoy it. In fact, that is indeed the solution many people believe will be reached during this Age. I feel it steadily approaching, facepalming less and less and getting closer and closer to my Soul Mates throughout 2021. Interestingly enough, many people also say it is The Age of Horus (a popular heroic Egyptian God, whose conquests were true Manly example).

What to Do Once We Have Achieved Aforementioned Global Positive Peace:

I say with all my inner gusto and Truth: I want and need All the Women of the World to collectively enjoy All the Ages of the Multiverse the MOST! “Why?”, you might ask as a shallow person. No worries, I will enlighten you all.

Behold; If, as a Real Man, I continuously please my Woman, then — as All become influenced by Me to be more like me, they they may please their own woman by applying my tips and other knowledge gained from Truly Good and Positive Men… as I continue to bond and grow with mine! Who knows, I could be watching one of *their* speeches influencing my Daughters and Sons, or maybe *their* Whippersnapper would go on to school with and learn with my own Children. See, in world of All of Us, it is good to consider Other Ones as All of Us is simply You as One and All Other Ones. As One, in Totality. We are all Infinitely Advancing.

Real Man’s Promise: I Shall Show All Women Supreme Love. I hereby also acknowledge that the uppermost Godlike entity to whom One can attribute Life and Lifemaking is indeed Feminine. Without a Mother’s vessel holder and developer, our vessels would not exist. What vessel? What purpose would it hold had not a womb been available? None, and yet we are not nil thanks to our Mothers.

Alive and breathing…and all of us Men owe many things to our Women, and a huge darn lot of real value back for this whole being able to experience things thing we got goin’ called Life.

I foresee a future where nobody feels alone. Nowadays, well-known social platforms like Reddit and Clubhouse are taking us much further than just the old staples of Facebook and Instagram (which are still my 2 top favorite anyway, as I contact megatons of family and business partners through FB and IG).

Those used to be the apps you were proud of telling Grandma about, and helping get her signed up on her phone as you talked new takeover technology over coffee, lmao.

Both of My Grandmas and I have discussed certain startups taking over. Their minds are both extremely intuitive and inquisitive just like mine. I strongly surmise that they are where I get a huge amount of my arcane seeming genetic and spiritual wisdom.

Well, folks, hope ya noticed “Grand” in the name scheme. And if you’re a “man” who thinks they are of more value to the Universe than your Grandmother, then you have not gotten my point yet and are wrong anyway. The Mother and Grandmother always hold the top value in a Family. The Father and Grandfathers are to support not only each respective woman, but check and balance things out to weigh in when more Children become involved; for instance: as a Grandson, when I make Children my Mother will become a Grandma and they will be Great-Grandparents that may and hopefully should influence my Child at many times.

I dream of building a good house in a peaceful place for my Mother, Aunties, Grandmas, Sisters and Cousins where they, myself, my Father and Friends can throw parties and continue enjoying life…

Anyway, modern social technology has reached so far that I can now ask someone I meet on the street to add me on Instagram if we’re vibing, and usually they’ll know exactly what it means and how to accomplish it.

Looks like all of our Grandmas and their milennial kids have predicted correctly in that at least Facebook and Instagram would blow up. Otherwise where did all the cute Grandmas come from on FB and IG?!?! Haha. And there’s still that thing called YouTube right? Ad placement, blad shlacement. Boo hoo! You know you still use it…

Oh, and Hello again TikTok. Knew you’d be sticking around. I appreciate any truly funny or purely entertaining creative anywhere! Women or Man. But again, I do mostly enjoy watching Women. Watching for Vine makes a comeback btw.

What next?

I look forward to new apps and services released every day, and organizations like Code2040 are making sure that a lot of the developers working on these proejcts are women. And, of course, there’s still the strip club and the hookah bar for us Respectful Men to frequent. When I go, I want not to have to do my usual thing of playing security guard even though there might be one “on duty”, usually not nearly as conditioned as I have been and still am at quickly identifying and solving issues with resolve for the Women around.

The new hotness in the social app game is apparently Clubhouse. I’ve met a lot of cool women on there, and many of them run their own businesses. It’s quite idiotic to deny that an enterprising woman is one of the most intriguing types of entities known to exist. They do things that no man can or will be able to accomplish in any amount of time. A True Man should always be wired up for supercharging the facets of a Woman he likes, which of part would be Her SMARTS (which every woman has).

My Spiritual Body is ready to experience advancement, and that is important to consider when you don’t want to feel soulless.)

The act of continuously garnering True *mutual* and **equal** respect and value in a masculine/feminine combined relationship is the same as our natural script given through the Mother for persisting Life.

This holds True both for the two parents as well as all of their children and grand-children; their grand-children will surely be raised properly should their first-level children be raised properly enough to be replicate their parental example. Hopefully even better on each successive generation, as that is what causes True Evolution.

In Dark Ages Past, all have had to compensate for and grow through many grim happenings that, around back then, had the ability to easily poison the minds of many of our ancestors and those around them in their respective societies, which were also changing every millisecond of their existences. As you can imagine, since blogs are available and technology is getting spread like wildfires, we can revel in that it should now be much easier to spread Truth and Love.

We can and will go much further than just making phone calls and texts. Now we’re prone to meet up remotely still face-to-face with the whole gang on FB Messenger, Skype, Zoom or Google Hangouts during quarantine for a new virus that just caused mass hysteria when you had no qualms over it just 2 years ago.

Facebook is getting to what I believe has great stark potential to be the top conference calling app with Facebook Messenger, and their new Community features are looking great at providing outlets for those who want to help the community out. Groups has changed for the better, and luckily Women can forum and publicly voice most opinions without fear of getting shut out! Twitter and YouTube have been weird recently in silencing users when the content isn’t even illegal! A truly bipartisan social app will not systemically silence users of a particular party or ideology.

When it comes, I’ll let you know! Or please, hit me up if you’ve found one that is provably fair for all users: kendrick@refreshit.org

I may just be cooking that up behind the scenes of my displays of pure tech wizardry.

BTW, most of the women I’m meeting on Clubhouse are also posting excellent things to Instagram for me and others to enjoy and are usually quite active in their respective local communities!

In addition to pretty much all other women I’ve met, they are all inspiring and positive people who hold unique light and whose auras I prefer to surround myself with. I honestly strongly feel as though I am Venusian.

Most of the bad news you see in our modern society in 2021 is caused by the havok wreaked by immature men who need to grow and change for this New Frontier and Age, or they will simply be left behind in the dust.

Speaking of dust, back on the past happenings such as the Great Depression and various counts of unnecessary slavery, rape and pillaging across the world? Welp, Let’s At Least Not Repeat It! (Don’t worry, Be Happy! They’re now Gone with the Wind!) Learn from These Words of Wisdom:

Converse to bad past happenings, we fortunately all have and can share:

- The old Wive’s Tales shared between family and friends (or, All people)

- Shaman’s Stories (some kept slightly hidden or very highly parablized and/or allegorized)

- General common sense teachings. These are are what we can still rely on when remembering Truth along our journeys, because they travel with us unscathed and unchanged throughout thousands of years, so long as we are not brainwashed to forget.

“Do unto others how you would want done unto yourself” — The most common example of common sense

Why not just *make up* and **unite**; *joke* and **play**; *earn* and **give** fairly, huh?

Well, clearly that is what’s being encouraged by many a Woman, and so it is helped by other Women and us Real Men, and Happening Here and Now. I am here to completely and fully do my part in ushering it in, this new Golden Age, as it is a done and necessary deal taking place in the immediate future which I can clearly spectate and must surely live within, right along with my Fellow Peoples (of all races, creeds, skin colors and sexes). [Once we are all united on the aforementioned parametrized attributes, we shall Truly be spectating an Infinite Golden Age in which we co-exist].

But again, remember, in this predicted Golden Age, we will all be expected to know some base technological knowledge such as: how to browse the internet, send a text message to a mobile contact or edit a spreadsheet for your company.

This is why it is a good thing when new families migrate to America and then start companies. Our particular IT infrastructure is prime for introducing technology at an affordable cost to new students, and even most programming documentation is in the English language (though I know many and highly suggest being multilingual as well)!

The current lingua franca programming language of the web is JavaScript, by the way. If you want your children to code, they ought to know how to build the front-end of a website or mobile application. If your child or student likes to tinker hardcore, they should also excel specifically in specialized Embedded Systems ecosystems such as the Rasberry Pi.

So that is how it shall happen. Less sadness will be abound when our Mothers, Sisters and Daughters cease in being so prone to stress, distress, disease and depression. Then, us Real Men will realize our wins and follow suit in Pure Happiness. But remember, Love is always abound and available for Any One to feel. To love all Souls through Each Other is quite a dreamy goal; this would mean total utter happiness beats out any and all types of depression in society. To define and fix these types of depression is on us until then.

It is on us as Real Men to teach the jokesters how to really tune in and Man Up for Good.

This is truly but a brief initial explanation on how I’ll be garnering positive vibes the most, and at least for now at this moment on March 22nd, of 2021. I strongly believe that our ascendence as a Whole shall be accelerated once True Respect for Women has reached a critical mass enough to at least not be having to look sadly forward to yet another preventable Abuse story on the news.

Women having to go through the Woman Suffrage movement was indeed still a form of mental and emotional suffering for them, as it was not there and prepared for their valid input to even register politically, in the country they were asked to trust and around men they were asked to be holding trust of. All the while, weak men were voting and still going home to do idiotic things like punching “their” woman and attempt to keep them trapped in the kitchen. It’s not just a type of joke gag on Saturday Night Live.

And the emotional and mental pain caused due to not being able to vote in a society that said to be Democratic, Free and Fair should be calmed with what? Voting!!! So we achieved it. Well, obviously now it had been time to listen up to our Women, and escape sexist loops whose systems shall still fail based on my predictions and vantage point! I’d rather be a slave to my woman than have them feel enslaved them in any way (outside of BDSM if that’s the way she gets down). With me, they feel free and at ease. I love making them smile, and again it is what I live for.

Well, now that we have that said….

Who rides the white horse? The woman or the man? Should it matter? Nay. As long as both help each other get to the same shared place, carriage or not.

As far as those actions in the opposite of working with a Woman’s True Senses, which is implying: It shouldn’t need a charge nor a jail visit to register that it happened in peoples’ minds, and in the hive-minds of modern society..

We should of course have better on-campus security protecting our young college campusites that need that extra protection around what could be groups of overzealous imbeciles bent on using any woman for their B.S. sex schemes; the ones where they usually fail to Truly Please a Woman.

Do also note, I shall of course join hand in hand with any real Man on this front, and we will be doing great things for our women while educating the world’s citizens every day! Shout out to my Uncle Jr. who was a Marine in the 1980s, who gave me a very important talk at my Auntie Oma’s funeral. We talked outside the Church and I promised him I’d quntiit smoking so much. Since then, I have cut my cigarette usage way out and my teeth are looking nicer, which of course a real Man wants to look more appealing to his woman. His influential style has influenced my diction, and I remember growing up with his father, my Grandpa Bill and my Granny Mary teaching me all sorts of values about the life I was about to embark on.

A woman will also usually look to her Father, Mother and other role models in her life for the proper influence she wants to utilize in growing herself. So false men need to begin to quit playing mind-games with women. They have been woke, and they are fed up with the b.s. is what I gather from all my talks with them in my 27 thus far years of living in America.

Nowadays, when embarking outside in society, especially in the city, many men are incorrectly rude to women they don’t even know and are better off leaving to their devices. Usually, they either weren’t raised right or perhaps they did have good parents yet didn’t listen to them. Having “In one ear and out the other” syndrome usually implies that person is a sopsilist, or one who truly believes only they themselves alone matter. That is just simply wrong and false. It is simple to have respect for base values real Men such as myself have not a need to extrapolate much for. They have been ingrained in real Men again and again and seemingly hidden in society for thousands of years right along with that!

We need to wake these people up! It’s like they keep falling asleep in a world where news sprouts anew every living, breathing milisecond we continue to coexist…Speaking of this coexisting thing:

A necessary plot… and, as it deliciously thickens, I shall say I am highly shocked that it took this long to report on the systemic mistreatment of not only Asian-American woman in my beloved country (which, to me, is still renowned as the greatest melting pot, ya hear douchebags! I have met people from all walks of life and races just counting my American living and travel alone!), but many other types of women as well. These incel false men latch onto a new meme that is aimed at disrespecting women, and since they usually have no luck in getting with or talking to women, they keep persisting these disgusting memes and ideals.

Unfortunately, to this day, ignorance still runs blood red in the streets of the concrete jungle. And when it leads to innocent people dying unnaturally, I have no option but to take a stand and speak out against the wrongdoing and hope and pray strongly for more heroines and heroes in my society to listen and further correct it.

I have met many people who will be riding along with me on this journey, surely, and am very open to welcoming more with a warm greeting (HMU @kendrickvonledet on Instagram, email me at kendrick@refreshit.org!)

The good news is, we are getting more connected and closer to each other, people are beginning to heal and families are getting back together (congrats to the Mexican families that were displaced by ICE that have found and/or are seeing their children again!)

Anyway, back to this crappy mistreatment of women I’m seeing in not only my country, but this wide yet small world that we live in.

Here is what I want all real men to do in public if you see a woman getting mistreated or abused.

And this is ANY woman, from young babies to teenage whippersnappers, millenials to Granny’s friends: witnessing it alone should be enough to make you speak up, take action and make things end up going a better route.

Don’t be scared of these lame people that are abusing women and children now. And definitely don’t join their ranks! (You have to promise me, you’re reading my late-night blarbs man)

GO learn self defense in that kung-fu class you thought about taking after watching an episode of Walker, Texas Ranger, wanting to be just as good a savior. REGISTER for that class on communication, GET that law degree. STOCK up on protective weapons but keep them out of range of those in your family and rest of the household who don’t know how to properly handle them.

If you yourself have been through abuse, drop some entheogenic psychedelics and connect with the Universe. Mushrooms are not evil men, and they have been sharing this planet with us for millions of years. If you live in an appropriate state, search around for studies where they might even administer LSD for you in therapy. Lots of college studies being done in that field.

Tripping or not, meditate in some way and ask your mind and the Universe for the utmost greatest answers on how to best go about moving forward in how we help our women in these types of particularly detrimental situations. If you live this type of life in the most optimal way possible, I promise you will increase your happiness and find a true love for all Women.

They are the key to the Holy Grail guarded by Holy Crusaders. (I am partially descended from Lebanese warriors of aforesaid movement). The wars were real, as was all the blood spilled both by the good Crusaders and those evil men at the exact opposite front who sought to destroy important knowledge. The evil men worked based purely off a mistangling of disgusting sexist ideals they wanted to push into the world.

Fortunately, new knowledge for the feminist/womanist/feminazist movement is hitting the blogosphere and social platforms each day, and waking up all the beautiful women across the world. Right now, Africa is testing new IT infrastructure in Kenya that will be quite useful in the fight against Sierra Leonean blood diamond mining in West Africa and many parts in the Subsarahan area. Once the kids have a good critical mass of internet access and technology know-how there, the evil forces which had been splitting families up and killing for evil trade ideals will be so weak that they will merely be laughed off and away in future history. There is no way to stop or even halt this revolution. It is not just coming, it is here already. So yes, more is coming, all the time and from each and every female entity in the Universe.

By the way, real men know that in a couple, the optimality should always play out best for the woman. Understanding this should help out a lot of dudes that have asked me really weird and uncomfortable relationship questions.

Let me explain. Before, when met with a question I’d first believe a young ass Call of Duty player cussing me out on Xbox Live would ask after losing the match, I’d first size up the “man’s” age. Usually, the underlying problem is they haven’t taken the main step to man up and decide that they should take all responsibility for their own actions in full.

That is our job, a sacred attachment that is ages-old and a collection of energies that is always ready to be activated. And nont to be blamed on our women.

TLDR, eh? Scrolled just to the bottom, eh? Ok cool, check this out;

Without women, our society would not run correctly at all…it would not even exist. Some of you disrespectful fellas need to wake up or you will be left behind in the dust.


Kendrick Von Ledet



Kendrick Von Ledet
Kendrick Von Ledet

Written by Kendrick Von Ledet

Owner/CEO of Refresh It (A Futuristic Agricultural Collective that will spread positive Philosophy and Philanthropy)

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